U.S. Chamber Releases Roadmap for Energy Policy Action

Press Release
November 17, 2008
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE     Contact: Marty Coyne (202) 463-5558
Calls for New Energy Post Focused on Economic Growth, National Security
WASHINGTON, D.C.—The U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Institute for 21st Century Energy today announced its Transition Plan for Securing America’s Energy Future, an energy policy roadmap with 88 concrete recommendations and detailed timelines for President-elect Barack Obama and the 111th Congress.
“We promised to help the new administration and Congress with their transition and have laid out a plan that will bring needed investment to America’s energy future,” said Thomas J. Donohue, the U.S. Chamber’s president and CEO.  “We must focus on our economy, creating jobs, strengthening our national security, and enabling Americans to keep more money in their pockets.  A common sense energy policy will set us on that course.” 
Donohue and General James L. Jones, USMC (Ret.), president and CEO of the Institute for 21st Century Energy, announced that the Transition Plan will be delivered to the leadership of President-elect Obama’s transition team and members of the 111th Congress and pledged to work with the forthcoming political leadership to implement its recommendations.
“The transition of administrations and a new Congress presents an opportunity for a new effort to position our nation on a more secure footing,” said General Jones. “It is clear that energy is critical to our nation’s competitiveness and prosperity, and our recommendations will put the United States on a path for a cleaner, more reliable energy future.”
The Transition Plan outlines the comprehensive actions needed by the executive branch and Congress to foster economic growth, strengthen national security, and ensure a better energy future.
In order to implement a new energy strategy, the Institute recommends that President-elect Obama create a new office within the Executive Office of the President to coordinate the implementation of all aspects of energy policy, both foreign and domestic.  The head of this office would have a seat on the National Economic Council and National Security Council. The Obama administration and Congress should also come together to enact comprehensive energy legislation codifying the Institute’s recommendations in the first year of the new administration.  
The dozens of recommendations in our Transition Plan are aimed at:
  • Promoting greater energy efficiency
  • Increasing and diversifying our energy supplies
  • Improving environmental stewardship
  • Modernizing and protecting our nation’s energy infrastructure

The Transition Plan builds on 13 fundamental pillars that the Institute released in July in an Open Letter to the next president and Congress that was signed by 27 national leaders and has received broad bipartisan support.  In September, the Institute released a Blueprint for Securing America’s Energy Future that put specific recommendations behind each pillar.

The Open Letter and Blueprint are available at https://www.globalenergyinstitute.org/
In addition to Tom Donohue and General Jones, U.S. Senator Chuck Hagel (R-NE); Dan Yergin, the chairman and co-founder of the Cambridge Energy Research Associates; Mort Kondracke, Executive Editor of Roll Call; and Sam Donaldson, journalist and political commentator for ABC News, were on hand to deliver remarks at the Institute’s Transition Plan announcement.
The mission of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Institute for 21st Century Energy is to unify policymakers, regulators, business leaders, and the American public behind a commonsense energy strategy to help keep America secure, prosperous, and clean. Through policy development, education, and advocacy, the Institute is building support for meaningful energy action at the local, state, national, and international levels.  To read more about the U.S. Chamber’s Institute for 21st Century Energy and to watch today’s event, visit https://www.globalenergyinstitute.org/.
The U.S. Chamber is the world's largest business federation representing more than 3 million businesses and organizations of every size, sector, and region.