• U.S. Chamber Calls Politically-Charged Decision to Deny Keystone a Job Killer

Press Release
January 18, 2012


WASHINGTON, D.C.—In response to reports that President Obama will deny the Keystone XL pipeline permit, U.S. Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Thomas J. Donohue issued the following statement today:
“This political decision offers hard evidence that creating jobs is not a high priority for this administration.  The President’s decision sends a strong message to the business community and to investors:  keep your money on the sidelines, America is not open for business.  By placing politics over policy, the Obama administration is sacrificing tens of thousands of good-paying American jobs in the short term, and many more than that in the long term. 
“It is dumbfounding that President Obama’s decision to deny the Keystone XL pipeline permit ignores his own Council on Jobs and CompetitivenessRoad Map to Renewal” report. Issued yesterday, it recommends that the United States step up its game on energy and construct pipelines to deliver fuel as a key component of our economic recovery.  
“Just as troubling, the President’s decision will make us more dependent on oil from foreign nations that don’t share our interests.  He’s also saying no to improving our relationship with our reliable and friendly ally to the north, Canada. 
“American workers and consumers should be outraged.  They deserve better than this politically-motivated decision.”
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is the world’s largest business federation representing the interests of more than 3 million businesses of all sizes, sectors, and regions, as well as state and local chambers and industry associations.