• Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council | Public Comments

Cost Benefit Analysis
July 21, 2020

Dear Administrator Wheeler: The Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council (SBE Council) is pleased to submit comments on the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) proposal: “Increasing Consistency and Transparency in Considering Benefits and Costs in the Clean Air Act (CAA) Rulemaking Process.” The proposed framework, the aim of which is to create a best practice process for regulations promulgated under the CAA, includes key concepts and reforms that SBE Council has long supported. Our organization and small business members believe a consistent bestpractice framework will produce better regulations, and an improved regulatory system for small businesses and all Americans.

SBE Council is an advocacy, research and education organization dedicated to protecting small business and promoting entrepreneurship. For more than 25 years our organization has worked on a range of public policy and private-sector initiatives to strengthen the ecosystem for startup activity, investment, innovation and small business growth.