Letter to President Obama from the Partnership to Fuel America

February 27, 2012
President Barack Obama
The White House
Washington, DC 20500
Dear Mr. President,
The Partnership to Fuel America (PFA) is comprised of small businesses, industry groups, and state and local chambers of commerce that believe that development of North American energy, like Canadian oil sands, would create and preserve thousands of jobs and strongly benefit U.S. energy security and our nation’s economy.  Canada is one of America’s most stable and trusted strategic allies.  We strongly believe that the construction of TransCanada’s Keystone XL pipeline project is in America’s best interest.  PFA is organized by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Institute for 21st Century Energy.
Your recent decision to deny the Presidential permit for the Keystone XL project is detrimental to an economy still struggling to recover.  Why did you say “NO” to the pipeline?   Not only would the project create 20,000 near term jobs, it would also greatly benefit our businesses and provide millions of dollars of much needed tax revenue to states and communities along the route.  The new tax revenue could be used for local projects and infrastructure like schools, roads, and bridges. Putting people back to work also creates new wage earners which would stimulate the economy without the cost of a single taxpayer dollar.  
Nebraska officials are still working with TransCanada to finalize an alternative route through their state.  The provision in H.R.3765, the “Temporary Payroll Tax Cut Continuation Act of 2011,” which required you to make decisions on whether Keystone XL is in the national interest and on the permit within 60 days, would have allowed the Nebraska re-rerouting process to continue if you had granted the permit. Denying the permit because the Nebraska process was not yet finalized was not necessary.
The Department of State’s Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the project also highlights the potential benefits of Keystone XL pipeline for U.S. domestic energy resources, specifically the newly developed Bakken area in Montana and North Dakota and the Cushing Hub in Oklahoma. Keystone XL would have improved distribution and access to new markets and refining centers in the South and Midwest from these areas. According to the FEIS, American companies and consumers in communities near the pipeline route would also realize additional benefits from electrical transmission and distribution lines built for the project.  Furthermore, the 700,000 barrels of oil a day provided by Keystone XL pipeline would strengthen America’s energy security. 
We believe that you were wrong to reject this project important to America’s jobs, economy, communities and businesses, and energy security.  We urge you to reconsider your decision and allow Keystone XL to be constructed as soon as possible.
American Supply Association
Bernard Pavelka Trucking, Inc.
Billings Chamber of Commerce/CVB
Brakey Energy
Chronister Oil Company
Comfort Inn, Miles City
Country Lumber
Country Mark
Doolittle Wagner Ranch LLC
E&F Transit
Expressway Inn & Suites, Bismarck
Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce
Greater Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce
Holiday Inn, Miles City
Indiana Manufacturers Association
Indiana Petroleum Council
Indiana Retail Council
Lake States Lumber
M&N Service Inc. Phillips 66 (Omaha)
Michigan Business and Professional Association
Michigan Food and Beverage Association
Michigan Petroleum Association
Miles City Sanitation
Missouri Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Missouri Grocers Association
Montana Contractors’ Association
Montana Petroleum Association
Motel 71
Montana Petroleum Marketers & Convenience Store Association
National Oil and Gas Incorporated
North Dakota Chamber of Commerce
North Dakota Hospitality Association
North Dakota Petroleum Marketers Association
North Dakota Retail Association
Office Products Center
Ohio Petroleum Council
Pharmacy Perspectives LLC
Redwood Speedway
Redwood Valley Real Estate
Ricker Oil
Save Our Veterans
South Dakota Trucking Association
The Chamber of Commerce serving Middletown, Monroe, and Trenton
Willow Run Apartments
Wisconsin Engine Manufacturers and Distributors Alliance (WEMDA)
Wisconsin Motor Carriers Association
Youngstown/Warren Regional Chamber
State Sen. Mark Wagoner, Ohio
John M. Brooks, Sr.
Lance Burney
Marcia Feinstein
Todd Fore
Dan Kadrmas
Jesse Teal
Pearl Voss