Letter to the Nebraska Department on Environmental Quality

December 3, 2012
Director Mike Linder
Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality
1200 N Street, Suite 400
P.O. Box 98922
Lincoln, Nebraska  68509
RE: Draft Evaluation Report on the Keystone XL Pipeline
Dear Director Linder,
The Partnership to Fuel America (PFA) is comprised of small businesses, industry groups, and state and local chambers of commerce that believe development of North American energy, like Canadian oil sands, will create and preserve thousands of jobs and strongly benefit U.S. energy security and our nation’s economy.  PFA is organized by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Institute for 21st Century Energy. Central to PFA’s philosophy is the belief that the construction of TransCanada’s KXL pipeline project is in America’s best interest.  We urge the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to promptly finalize its assessment of the Draft Evaluation Report on the Keystone XL pipeline’s new route through Nebraska and present the report to Governor Heineman for a prompt decision.
The review process for TransCanada’s newly proposed alternative pipeline route for KXL through Nebraska has been extensive.  We believe that TransCanada has listened to Nebraskans’ concerns about the pipeline route and have worked closely with Nebraska state officials to make route changes to avoid environmentally sensitive areas including the Sandhills region. In addition, the company has agreed to adopt and comply with 57 special safety conditions developed by the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, the U.S. federal pipeline regulator.
The economic benefits of the KXL project should not be understated.  By Nebraska DEQ’s own estimates, hundreds of jobs would be created in Nebraska by the pipeline, workers would contribute $31.4 million in new economic activity from spending, and local property tax revenue would increase between $11 million and $13 million as a result of pipeline construction.  New tax revenue could be used for local projects and infrastructure like schools, roads, and bridges. New wage earners would help stimulate the economy without costs to taxpayers.  Furthermore, Canada is one of our most stable and trusted allies. The 700,000 barrels of oil a day supplied by KXL from Canada would strengthen America’s energy security.
Please accept these comments in accordance with the Draft Evaluation Report process for the KXL pipeline and the Draft SEIS.  The stakes of your decision are very high for the improved prosperity of many Nebraska families and businesses, and to American economic and energy security.  We urge you to approve the project and reject any further attempts to delay the Keystone XL pipeline.
Allied Realty, Inc.
Bernard Pavelka Trucking, Inc.
Encore Financial Services, Inc.
Erdkamp Motors
GIX Logistics Inc.
Grand Island Area Chamber of Commerce
Grand Island Express Inc. 
Homestead Plaza
M&N Service Inc.
Nebraska Petroleum Marketers and Convenience Store Association
Nebraska Truck Center Inc.
Pavelka Truck & Trailer Repair
Rowdy’s Steakhouse  
T&S Leasing Inc.
cc: The Honorable Dave Heineman, Governor of Nebraska
Secretary Hillary Clinton, U.S. Department of State
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