Karen Harbert Statement on Senate Spill Bill

Press Release
August 3, 2010

Karen Harbert, president and CEO of the U.S. Chamber’s Institute for 21st Century Energy, issued the following statement following Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s decision to pull oil spill legislation from consideration by the Senate. 

           “In the wake of the Gulf oil spill, the American people expected Congress to act to ensure proper oversight of offshore exploration.   Instead, what they got from House and Senate leadership was legislation that essentially shut down America’s oil and gas industry, which would harm our economy, shed more jobs and force us to become even more reliant on foreign oil.

           “It is not surprising, then, that ultimately the Senate proposal collapsed and the bill was pulled from consideration.  Coupled with the Administration’s blanket moratorium on oil and gas production, it is clear that America is not getting the leadership it needs on energy.”