• Pipelines

    Many areas in the U.S. miss out on the full benefits of our energy revolution due to difficulties transporting our resources to where they are needed. Delayed or blocked oil and gas pipelines have negative implications on energy costs and accessibility, and can have lasting impacts on various sectors of the economy reliant on these vital resources. . Pipelines that aren’t built translate to higher energy prices, as residents in the Northeast have discovered firsthand during frigid winters.

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Date Range
  • Blog
    September 16, 2016

    Business and Labor Agree: We Need to Build Pipelines; Enough is Enough

    Increasingly, business and labor interests are aligned against the Obama Administration's war on energy development. The latest example is the Dakota Access Pipeline. AFL-CIO President Richard Trumpka has essentially said that enough is enough, expressing frustration with environmental activists and
  • Blog
    August 1, 2016

    Will We Soon be Playing Taps for TAPS?

    The Trans-Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS) was approved by Congress in 1973, shortly after the Arab Oil Embargo, and began carrying crude oil from Alaska’s North Slope south to the port at Valdez in 1977. Since then, TAPS has moved more than 17 billion barrels of crude oil, or about 2.4 times as much
  • Blog
    April 19, 2016

    Tale of Two Pipelines: Dakota Access Crude Oil Pipeline Approved

    After a year and a half of review, hearings, and public input sessions, a 1,168-mile pipeline proposed to move American crude oil from North Dakota to Illinois recently received approval from Iowa regulators (Bakken Gets Another Iowa Green Light, Des Moines Register April 8). When completed, the
  • Blog
    April 5, 2016

    Anti-Energy Activists Take Their Show to Albany

    Another week, another protest by anti-energy extremists who are trying to stop badly needed infrastructure. Today’s excitement takes us to Albany, New York, where a coalition of anti-natural gas groups and other anti-fossil fuel groups are protesting the proposed Constitution Pipeline, which would
  • Blog
    March 18, 2016

    One More Pipeline Myth Debunked

    Sadly, local communities and property owners continue to be used and lied-to about the impacts and safety of oil and gas pipelines. As witnessed during the Keystone XL battle, pipeline opponents are willing to ignore facts, and use mistruths and scare tactics to achieve their goals. One myth that is
  • Blog
    January 12, 2016

    More Keystone XL Hypocrisy – U.S. Building a Pipeline in Africa

    Last week, the U.S. government announced that it will help provide $18 billion to finance a 500-mile pipeline needed to bring crude oil from the northwest to refineries in the south. Wait?? Didn’t the Obama Administration just deny TransCanada the permit needed to build Keystone XL after seven years