• Oil and Natural Gas

    Sustaining our revolution in oil and gas production should be a national priority, starting with a policy environment that welcomes investment, risk-taking, and job creation. It is important for our infrastructure to keep pace with this opportunity.

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  • Blog
    February 11, 2014

    GUEST POST: A New Energy Chapter Coming to Illinois

    Illinois is about to venture into a new and exciting chapter in the energy portfolio – shale gas and oil production. It should be a wild roller-coaster ride filled with thrills and chills. Illinois’ other energy chapters are quite compelling. After all, Illinois: Is #1 in the U.S. in nuclear energy
  • Reports
    October 1, 2012

    America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the US Economy

    This is the third volume in a three-part series on the effects of unconventional oil and natural gas on the US economy. The first volume detailed the effects of upstream unconventional oil and gas development on the national economy, and the second volume presented the role of upstream unconventional oil and natural gas on each of the lower 48 states. In this volume, we extend the work undertaken in the first two volumes by examining three critical ways in which this unconventional revolution is impacting the US economy.