• Oil and Natural Gas

    Sustaining our revolution in oil and gas production should be a national priority, starting with a policy environment that welcomes investment, risk-taking, and job creation. It is important for our infrastructure to keep pace with this opportunity.

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  • Blog
    August 25, 2016

    WHAT IF…Energy Production Was Banned On Federal Lands & Waters?

    It’s an interesting question. That we’re even entertaining it, however, shows you how far off the rails candidates from Secretary Clinton, to interest groups, to the Democratic Party Platform have gone in proposing to ban energy production on federal lands in one way, shape, or form. It’s easy to
  • Blog
    August 18, 2016

    The Arctic: A Key Intersection of National and Energy Security

    A few weeks ago, the Energy Institute’s president and CEO, Karen Harbert visited with business and industry leaders in Alaska. Her message was loud and clear: Alaska and the Arctic are an important part of America’s energy future. Unfortunately, the Obama Administration doesn’t seem to agree. The
  • Blog
    August 1, 2016

    Will We Soon be Playing Taps for TAPS?

    The Trans-Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS) was approved by Congress in 1973, shortly after the Arab Oil Embargo, and began carrying crude oil from Alaska’s North Slope south to the port at Valdez in 1977. Since then, TAPS has moved more than 17 billion barrels of crude oil, or about 2.4 times as much
  • Blog
    July 12, 2016

    Crude Exports Hit Recent High

    Yesterday, Reuters reported that crude oil exports from the United States reached their highest level since the 1920s. Using Census Bureau export data, Reuters calculates that crude shipments averaged 662,000 barrel per day in May. The total quantity is only part of the story, however. Since the
  • Blog
    July 7, 2016

    Let’s Not Forget the Important Things that are Brought To Us By Fracking

    America is at an energy crossroads. The fracking-enabled shale revolution is rapidly transforming the nation’s energy landscape, lowering prices for consumers and dramatically reducing our dependence on foreign oil. As we will detail further in the coming weeks, this transformation has been
  • Press Release
    June 7, 2016

    America Sees Energy Security Gains As Shale Revolution Continues

    Annual International Index of Energy Security Risk Shows U.S. Improving WASHINGTON, D.C.—The U.S. Chamber’s Institute for 21st Century Energy’s Annual International Index of Energy Security Risk quantifies what has been apparent for the last several years—U.S. energy security is improving as a