• Infrastructure and Permitting

    Our nation runs the risk of losing the advantages provided by our vast energy resources due to the politicization of pipeline, transmission lines, and other infrastructure projects. Many areas in the U.S. are already missing out on the full benefits of our energy revolution because it has been difficult to permit and build or replace energy infrastructure.

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Date Range
  • Letters
    February 27, 2018

    Comments on Cyber Security Incident Reporting Reliability Standards

    Dear Secretary Bose The U.S. Chamber of Commerce welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC’s) request for comments on its notice of proposed rulemaking Cyber Security Incident Reporting Reliability Standards. The Chamber respects FERC’s interest in
  • Blog
    January 19, 2018

    Keystone XL Moving Forward

    Some good news on the Keystone XL pipeline front: TransCanada has announced that it is moving forward toward construction of the Keystone XL (KXL) pipeline. As you may recall, in November Nebraska regulators approved a pipeline route for KXL through their state. However, the route that was approved
  • Blog
    January 2, 2018

    Energy a Key Part of New National Security Strategy

    In late December, the White House released its new National Security Strategy that describes U.S. interests and how the Trump Administration plans to advance them in the coming years. The administration sees energy as playing a big role. The Strategy is organized around four pillars: Protecting the
  • Blog
    December 12, 2017

    Finally Whole, FERC Gets to Work on American Infrastructure

    For the first time in two long years, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has reached its full, five-member complement following the swearing in of the new FERC Chairman Kevin McIntyre this month. Former Chairman Norman Bay resigned from his post in late January when President Trump
  • Blog
    November 29, 2017

    Keystone XL Update

    Although the Keystone XL pipeline has been out of the public eye for a number of months, TransCanada has been working in Nebraska to obtain state approval of the pipeline following the federal government’s decision to endorse the project. As you will recall, Keystone XL was first proposed in 2008
  • Blog
    November 3, 2017

    Fully Loaded and Ready to Go

    It has been two years since the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) enjoyed its full complement of five commissioners to deliberate and decide some of the most pressing energy issues facing our nation. Luckily, the long wait for a full FERC is nearly over. On Thursday, the United States