• Electricity

    The composition of tomorrow’s electricity generation mix dominates many of the energy policy debates held today. Reliability and affordability must remain prominent factors in the electricity sector transition already underway, but given the challenge posted by climate change, attention must be paid to the environmental impact of electricity sources. Efforts must be undertaken at the national, state, and local levels to facilitate energy innovation and company-driven and federally-sponsored research and development activities.

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  • Blog
    August 4, 2017

    Will Activists Seek to Shut Off Your Air Conditioning this Summer?

    Lately, it seems that some environmental activists are against almost everything. Their latest cause? Trying to shut down air conditioning during Virginia’s muggy summer months. Fortunately, cooler heads have prevailed … thus far. Dominion Energy’s Yorktown Power Station is slated to be retired, in
  • Letters
    June 27, 2017

    Coalition Letter Requesting Confirmation of FERC Nominees to Restore Quorum

    The undersigned associations urge you to act quickly to restore a quorum at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). FERC has lacked a quorum for more than four months, placing energy infrastructure permitting and approvals on an indefinite hold and creating an unexpected barrier to
  • Letters
    May 31, 2017

    U.S. Chamber Urges Vote and Confirmation of FERC Nominees

    The U.S. Chamber of Commerce respectfully urges the Committee to promptly report both Robert Powelson and Neil Chatterjee to the full Senate to fill two of the three open commissioner vacancies on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC” or “Commission”). FERC plays a vital role in ensuring
  • Blog
    April 6, 2017

    An Overpromise, Demonstrated

    My three year old son is nothing if not confident. Wanting to hold serve with his older brother, he backs down from nothing. No matter the task at hand, “I can do it!” is his starting proposition. Successfully put a straw in his juice box? Count to 30? Put on his socks? “I CAN DO IT,” he promises
  • Blog
    April 5, 2017

    The Clean Power Plan is Dead! Or is it?

    There certainly has been a plethora of dramatic reporting on last week’s “Promoting Energy Independence and Economic Growth” executive order signed by President Trump. Some view it as the rebirth of America’s coal industry, others say it will have little effect, and still others are lamenting the
  • Letters
    February 16, 2017

    Multi Association Letter on FERC Quorum

    Americans rely on infrastructure to deliver the energy that powers our great nation. The undersigned associations appreciate the strong steps you have taken to accelerate the regulatory process for high-value energy infrastructure projects. However, the recent loss of a quorum at the Federal Energy
  • Letters
    February 1, 2017

    Key Vote Alert! H.J. Res. 38, to disapprove BLM Stream Rule

    The U.S. Chamber of Commerce will consider including votes in our 2017 How They Voted scorecard related to H.J. Res. 38 and H.J. Res. 41, which would undo two onerous and unnecessary Obama-era rules on streams and resource extraction. H.J. Res. 38, Stream Protection: The Chamber supports the