• Electricity

    The composition of tomorrow’s electricity generation mix dominates many of the energy policy debates held today. Reliability and affordability must remain prominent factors in the electricity sector transition already underway, but given the challenge posted by climate change, attention must be paid to the environmental impact of electricity sources. Efforts must be undertaken at the national, state, and local levels to facilitate energy innovation and company-driven and federally-sponsored research and development activities.

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  • Reports
    February 1, 2009

    Transition Plan for Securing America's Energy Future

    The Institute’s Transition Plan for Securing America’s Energy Future is an energy policy roadmap with 88 concrete recommendations and detailed timelines for President-elect Barack Obama and the 111th Congress. It forms a comprehensive, long-term energy strategy that if adopted, will put America on a path for a more secure, prosperous and clean energy future.

  • Reports
    September 28, 2008

    Blueprint for Securing America’s Energy Future

    The U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Institute for 21st Century Energy offers this Blueprint in the public interest to engage the presidential and congressional candidates, the business community, state policy leaders, and the American people in a productive dialogue on the major elements that we believe must be included in a bold new energy design for the United States.