• Electricity

    The composition of tomorrow’s electricity generation mix dominates many of the energy policy debates held today. Reliability and affordability must remain prominent factors in the electricity sector transition already underway, but given the challenge posted by climate change, attention must be paid to the environmental impact of electricity sources. Efforts must be undertaken at the national, state, and local levels to facilitate energy innovation and company-driven and federally-sponsored research and development activities.

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  • Blog
    June 24, 2016

    The McCarthy Hearing

    Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) head Gina McCarthy appeared before the House Science Committee on Wednesday, June 22, and the EPA’s Clean Power Plan (CPP) was front and center in the minds of many committee members. We released a new report, EPA Clean Power Plan: EIA’s Forecast Shows Benefits
  • Reports
    June 21, 2016

    EPA Clean Power Plan: EIA’s Forecast Shows Benefits Fall Well Short of Costs...Again

    In May 2016, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) issued its Annual Energy Outlook 2016, which includes model runs with and without the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Power Plan (CPP) final rule. The EIA analysis provides an independent look of the impacts CPP will have on the economy and energy markets in the United States.

    While there are many aspects of EIA’s analysis worthy of review, this report focuses on four main areas:

  • Blog
    June 9, 2016

    Did You Know Your Neighbor’s Solar Panels Can Increase Your Electric Bill?

    Installation of solar on residential homes is gaining in popularity. “Private solar” is the term used for those shiny solar panels that are popping up on residential rooftops. Many years ago, electric companies and local regulators created a way to credit these homeowners for generating electricity
  • Blog
    June 8, 2016

    The Coal Hard Facts about EPA Regulation: Part II

    A few of weeks back, we told you about how the Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) Annual Energy Outlook 2016 showed the harm Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Power Plan (CPP) will have on coal demand and employment. It wasn’t a pretty picture. Recently, it’s been suggested in
  • Blog
    May 20, 2016

    Shocking! Electricity Bills Will Rise Under EPA’s Clean Power Plan

    You’ve got to hand it to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). They are nothing if persistent. When EPA proposed it Clean Power Plan (CPP) back in June 2014, its Regulatory Impact Analysis boasted that while the price consumers pay for electricity may increase under CPP, their electricity bills
  • Blog
    May 6, 2016

    Conflicting Coal Plant Autopsies

    With presumptive presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump both in West Virginia this week ahead of the state’s upcoming primary, the issue of coal has emerged as a major media storyline. This focus began as a result of Secretary Clinton’s two-day damage control tour through West
  • Blog
    May 4, 2016

    Chasing “Ra”

    What is the fastest growing source of renewable energy in America? Is it all those windmills dotting the plains? Is it the new geothermal resources harnessing the Earth’s heat from deep below our feet? Or is it the wealth of hydroelectric power that provides a dispatch-able, dependable, resource for