• Air Quality

    Economic prosperity has helped to enable both public and private sector investment in energy innovations and emissions control technologies. The resultant benefits can be seen across our economy in the form of cleaner transportation, cleaner electricity, cleaner manufacturing, and cleaner energy production. The business community is proud to be an ongoing partner in these efforts.

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Date Range
  • Blog
    April 21, 2017

    Clearing the Air on Cleaning the Air

    Have you heard the good news about the excellent state of U.S. air quality? Chances are, you haven’t. In fact, chances are more likely that you’ve heard something of the opposite—glum stories of smoggy skies and unhealthy air constantly under threat from industrial pollution and SUVs. Reality begs
  • Reports
    March 16, 2017

    Impacts of Greenhouse Gas Regulations on the Industrial Sector

    While the regulatory approach to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the United States has largely focused on the power and transportation sectors, it’s clear that substantial reductions by the industrial sector would be needed to meet President Obama’s pledge under the Paris Agreement. This report summarizes a study conducted by NERA Economic Consulting on the potential impacts to the U.S. economy of regulating industrial sector GHG emissions. UPDATE: June 2017: Setting the Record Straight on the NERA Report https://www.globalenergyinstitute.org/setting-record-straight-nera-report

  • Letters
    February 3, 2016

    Coalition Comments to EPA on Proposed Cross-State Air Pollution Rule

    The National Ambient Air Quality Standards ("NAAQS") Implementation Coalition submits these comments on the proposed rule of the Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA") entitled the "Cross-State Air Pollution Rule Update for the 2008 Ozone NAAQS" ("Ozone Transport Proposal").
  • Reports
    January 14, 2016

    What's in a Target?

    How the final Clean Power Plan uses unreasonable renewable energy assumptions to increase the stringency of state emissions requirements.

  • Press Release
    December 23, 2015

    U.S. Chamber to File Lawsuit Challenging EPA's Latest Ozone Standard

    EPA's Costly Rule Will Slow Economic Development and Burden Communities WASHINGTON, D.C.—The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, joined by other national business groups, will file a petition for review in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit today to challenge the Environmental Protection Agency’s
  • Reports
    December 14, 2015

    Grinding to a Halt: Southern California Region

    Southern California traffic is famously congested. Because population and vehicle traffic have increased at rates that greatly exceed growth in highway capacity, stifling congestion has burdened the region’s economy and quality of life for its residents. Local officials estimate that every 10 percent decrease in Los Angeles-area congestion will create 132,000 jobs.