Harbert Statement on Senate Oil Sands Amendment

Press Release
June 9, 2009

Contact: Matt Letourneau  202-463-5945

In response to the Senate Energy and Natural Resource Committee’s adoption of an amendment that clarifies a 2007 procurement law (Section 526 of the Energy Independence and Security Act) to ensure that America is able to purchase oil produced from Canadian oil sands, Karen Harbert, President and CEO of the U.S. Chamber’s Institute for 21st Century Energy issued the following statement:

“I commend  the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee for action today that ensures that oil obtained from Canadian oil sands will continue to be part of America’s energy mix.   Every barrel of oil that we purchase from Canada is a barrel that we do not have to purchase from nations that do not share our security and economic interests.  I’m pleased that progress has been made toward ensuring that our strong relationship with Canada continues and I hope that this amendment is enacted into law.”