General James L. Jones, USMC (Ret.), Moderates McCain Energy Panel Discussion

Press Release
June 18, 2008
WASHINGTON, D.C.-- In an effort to make energy a top priority in the presidential race, General James L. Jones (USMC Ret.), president and CEO of the U.S Chamber of Commerce's Institute for 21st Century Energy, today will join Presidential candidate and U.S. Senator John McCain at a briefing on energy and economic policies at Missouri State University. General Jones will moderate a panel discussion on the significant energy challenges facing the nation and a strategy to increase and diversify energy supplies, foster economic growth, and protect American jobs.  Panelists include Greg Boyce, Chairman and CEO of Peabody Energy; Michael Chesser, Chairman and CEO of Great Plains Energy; and Dr. Tammy Jahnke, Dean of the College of Natural and Applied Sciences at Missouri State University.

"With high energy prices squeezing American families and businesses, it is clear that we must address the full spectrum of our energy challenges head on,” Gen. Jones said.  "America's prosperity and security will require bipartisan leadership from America's leaders and I welcome the opportunity to elevate the issue of energy with Presidential candidates, Congressional leadership, and the American public.  At the Institute for 21st Century Energy, we are developing sustainable solutions--based on fact and good American common sense--to ensure a clean, affordable and reliable energy future."

The Energy Institute is non-partisan and will not be endorsing a candidate in the presidential race but is working to engage both presidential candidates and both major national political parties in a fact based discussion of the critical energy needs the nation faces. Through public education and grassroots advocacy, the Institute is working to unify energy stakeholders and policymakers behind a common strategy to ensure that America's supply of fuels and power is adequate, diverse and affordable while protecting national security and improving the environment. The Institute also conducts international outreach to address global energy challenges.