Energy Institute Comments on Blue Ribbon Commission on Nuclear Waste

Press Release
January 29, 2010

Christopher Guith, vice president for policy at the U.S. Chamber’s Institute for 21st Century Energy, made the following statement regarding the Administration’s announcement that it has formulated a “blue ribbon” commission to study the disposal of nuclear waste:

“Our nation’s security and energy future will benefit from the commission’s fresh look at our stalled nuclear waste policy, particularly because it will be led by such highly respected statesman as Lee Hamilton and Brent Scowcroft.  The commission should be focused on crafting a workable consensus on how the federal government can finally meet its legal obligations.  To do so, it should consider all options – including Yucca Mountain - as it makes recommendations for a comprehensive strategy as Congress has instructed.”

“Almost a year ago, the Administration announced its intention to cancel the Yucca Mountain program without proposing an alternative plan.  Given the legal obligations of the federal government to dispose of spent nuclear fuel, as well as the nearly $30 billion the American ratepayers have paid to manage and dispose of nuclear waste, it is incumbent upon the Administration to craft a path forward.  While overdue, we welcome today’s announcement, which allows that process to begin.” 

More information about the options the panel will likely be considering can be found in the Energy Institute’s “Revisiting Nuclear Waste Policy” report issued last year.