Energy Institute Calls for Comprehensive, Bipartisan Solutions

Press Release
May 7, 2008
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Chamber Institute for 21st Century Energy today called on both parties in Congress and the Executive Branch to come together to develop a bipartisan plan to address our growing energy challenges.
“The proposals issued by both parties and all presidential candidates recognize the impact that high energy prices are having on the economy and on consumers.  But they are insufficient to address the serious energy challenges facing our country,” said General James L. Jones (Ret.), President and CEO of the Institute.  “We need bipartisan agreement on comprehensive, common-sense solutions that address the long term needs of the country.  To date, none of the proposals are broad or bold enough in scope to meet this growing and urgent challenge.  The time to get serious on behalf of the American public is now.”
“I commend our policymakers for putting energy at the top of their agenda, but we cannot address this problem in a piecemeal fashion.  A sensible policy must increase domestic energy supplies, recognize the role of nuclear and clean coal, emphasize energy efficiency and renewable energy, update and expand our aging energy infrastructure, and develop and deploy the clean energy technologies of the future,” said Jones. 
“Confronting our energy challenges will command political commitment and compromise unlike any we have seen in recent history. Our people deserve no less. There is no greater challenge to our national and economic security in the foreseeable future,” added the former NATO Commander.  
“To this end, the Institute for 21st Century Energy will propose a strategic, comprehensive, common-sense national energy policy early this summer. Following a year of intensive study, this proposal will suggest a long-term energy plan that, if adopted, will set the nation on a path to affordable, abundant, diverse, and clean energy supplies to meet future demand,” General Jones said. “This plan will also ensure that the United States shows leadership on global energy and environmental issues in the years ahead.”
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