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  • Blog
    April 8, 2015

    America's Successful Oil and Natural Gas Boom in 5 Charts

    The Wall Street Journal's Holman Jenkins recently speculated that without hydraulic fracturing and the energy boom it has driven, "Western economies would likely be in free fall. The grudging U.S. recovery would be in retreat." We've seen a dramatic shift in how we look at energy. When once we
  • Blog
    April 7, 2015

    Why We Need to Start Tapping the Arctic’s Energy Now

    Arctic energy development is about being farsighted about America's energy needs in the decades ahead. A recent National Petroleum Council (NPC) report on the energy development potential of the Arctic, states that the region contains 525 billion barrels of oil equivalent (BBOE). Thirty-four billion
  • Blog
    March 30, 2015

    Offshore Energy Plan is Completely Disconnected from Our Energy Needs

    Eighty-six percent of offshore energy is off limits from development, and the Interior Department's proposed offshore leasing plan does little to change that. While the draft plan opens a sliver of the Atlantic coast to development, it's only one lease sale, and there's no guarantee [subscription
  • Blog
    March 10, 2015

    EPA War on Coal Will Shut Down More Power Plants in 2015

    EPA's "War on Coal" is succeeding in driving coal-fired power plants into retirement. The Energy Information Administration (EIA) reports, "Nearly 16 GW of generating capacity is expected to retire in 2015, 81% of which (12.9 gigawatts) is coal-fired generation." At the same time, new electricity
  • Blog
    February 25, 2015

    Hydraulic Fracturing Ban Drives New York Towns to Consider Seceding

    Talk of secession is usually reserved for cranks wanting to relive the Civil War, but recently some New York State towns started looking at joining neighboring Pennsylvania. The reason? Hydraulic fracturing. The 15 towns are conducting studies to determine whether it would be economically feasible
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    February 6, 2015

    Is This America's Last Coal Plant?

    It is no secret that affordable and reliable energy is the backbone of our nation's economy, enabling businesses and industry to grow and produce high-paying jobs for American workers. Much less appreciated, however, is the degree to which technological innovation is making U.S. energy resources
  • Blog
    February 4, 2015

    The Leader of America’s Number One Oil Supplier Came to Washington

    You may not be aware, but Alberta, Canada is America's number one oil supplier. In a speech at the U.S. Chamber, Jim Prentice, Alberta's Premier, said: Alberta ships 2.5 million barrels of oil a day to the US. We are the largest supplier of crude oil to the United States of America. We contribute 26
  • Blog
    January 26, 2015

    Obama Wants to Close Off Energy-Rich Stretch of Alaska to Development

    Pultizer Prize-winning author Daniel Yergin, wrote in the New York Times that global energy markets are at aninflection point. The role of the world's "swing producer" has swung to the United States: By leaving oil prices to the market, Saudi Arabia and the emirates also passed the responsibility as