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  • Blog
    May 20, 2015

    What does EPA's Ozone Regulation Mean for Your Community?

    The Energy Institute is concerned about EPA’s proposed ozone regulations, which studies have found could be the most expensive regulation every implemented. EPA’s new regulations will dramatically increase “nonattainment areas” throughout the country. The rules will immediately add red tape to
  • Blog
    May 14, 2015

    The EPA’s Failing Grade as the Nation’s Self-Appointed Energy Regulator

    The Congressional mandate to understand and safeguard the reliability of our electric grid has traditionally resided with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and the individual states that regulate the generation of electricity within their borders. Pursuant to its proposed Clean Power
  • Blog
    May 12, 2015

    A Step Forward for Arctic Production

    From CNN: The Obama administration, citing "rigorous safety standards" and a long review process, has granted conditional approval to energy giant Shell to begin oil drilling in the Arctic waters off the coast of Alaska. This decision by the Department of Interior is a positive step toward further
  • Blog
    May 8, 2015

    Cause for Concern in the Arctic

    Two weeks ago, the United States took over leadership of the Arctic Council, an intergovernmental forum created in 1996 to promote cooperation and coordination and address issues facing the eight Arctic-nation governments and the region. During America’s two-year leadership term, the Obama
  • Blog
    April 10, 2015

    If You Thought Your Electric Bills Were Higher, You're Right

    When consumers pay their electricity bills each month, they probably don't give it much thought. While many probably expect to see higher bills when the heat or air conditioning have to run, they may not realize how much variance there is between states in the cost of electricity. Each year, the