By Date
  • Blog
    September 9, 2015

    EIA’s Analysis Shows the Benefits of Lifting Crude Oil Export Ban

    Last week the Energy Information Administration issued its analysis on the impacts of lifting the ban on crude oil exports that has been in place since the 1975. If that seems like a long time ago, that’s because it is: Captain and Tenille’s “Love Will Keep Us Together" was the year’s #1 song; “All
  • Blog
    September 8, 2015

    EPA’s New and Improved Future: Part II

    In the first of this series, we examined the changes the Environmental Protection Agency made to its Base Case, or business as usual, power sector forecast in support of its Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) for the Clean Power Plan Final Rule compared the Base Case it issued a few short months ago
  • Blog
    September 2, 2015

    China Gives Arctic Council the Cold Shoulder on Global Warming

    On Monday, ministers from the Artic Council and other countries put pen to paper on a Joint Statement on Climate Change and the Arctic “reaffirm[ing] our commitment to take urgent action to slow the pace of warming in the Arctic.” But as The Diplomat and the Russian news channel RT report, China
  • Blog
    August 21, 2015

    Mind the Gap Redux

    On June 3, we posted an analysis of the Obama Administration’s Intended Nationally Determined Contribution—or INDC—it submitted to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The Obama Administration pledged that the United States will slash its net greenhouse gas emissions 28% below
  • Blog
    August 17, 2015

    EPA’s New and Improved Future

    Note: As the Energy Institute's team of policy experts continue to analyze EPA's Clean Power Plan and other regulations, they are finding numerous inconsistencies and inaccurate assumptions. We'll be shedding light on what we find through a series of blog posts we call "EPA's Fuzzy Math." Today's
  • Blog
    July 22, 2015

    The Misleading Response to Our New Grinding to a Halt Report

    This morning, the Energy Institute released a new report detailing the impacts of EPA’s proposed ozone regulations on transportation projects in the Washington, D.C. region. We were joined by leading advocates such as AAA Mid Atlantic, Suburban Maryland Transportation Alliance, and the Northern
  • Blog
    July 20, 2015

    UK Steel Company Sheds Jobs: Who Says It Can’t Happen Here?

    Friday’s Independent newspaper reports on an announcement from UK’s Tata Steel that it will be cutting 720 jobs in its specialty steel business. The company pointed to “cripplingly high electricity costs” in the UK, more than twice as high as its European competitors face, as a key reason for the