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  • Blog
    December 1, 2015

    7 Things to Know About COP21

    From our Testimony in front of the Senate Energy and Public Works Committee on Examining the International Climate Negotiations on November 18, 2015: 1. The Obama Administration’s unilateral emissions reduction commitment for Paris is unrealistic and doesn’t add up. Source: https://www.reactiongifs
  • Blog
    November 30, 2015

    EPA's New and Improved Future: Part IV

    In promoting its Clean Power Plan (CPP), the Obama Administration hasn’t been shy about claiming it will be a boon to renewables. A White House Fact Sheet boasts, for example, that CPP will “give a head start to wind and solar deployment.” Is that true? Well, it turns out there will be virtually no
  • Blog
    November 12, 2015

    Two Wrongs Make a Blackout

    Unless you live under a rock, you likely know by now that the Obama Administration’s carbon emissions rule – which could be referred to as the Costly Power Plan – proposes to redesign the country’s electric power sector. You – the electricity consumer – are expected to foot the bill. The
  • Blog
    November 11, 2015

    UK Power Sector: Diesel to the Rescue?

    Forget renewables. According to an article published in the Financial Times last week, diesel generators are the hot new thing in power generation in the United Kingdom. According to the FT, about 1.5 gigawatts of diesel power is being built in the UK under a government plan to encourage additional
  • Blog
    November 6, 2015

    KXL Decision: Politics Rule Over Jobs, Safety, Security and Common Sense

    President Obama’s decision to reject the Keystone XL pipeline project clearly is a decision based on politics and not on what is good for America. Keystone XL was ruled by President Obama’s own State Department to have no significant environmental impact, would have created at least 42,000 jobs
  • Blog
    November 4, 2015

    Oooooopppps: China Coal Consumption 17% Higher than Reported

    The New York Times reports today something a lot of people have suspected for a long time: “China, the world’s leading emitter of greenhouse gases from coal, has been burning up to 17 percent more coal a year than the government previously disclosed, according to newly released data.” How big is
  • Blog
    October 28, 2015

    Tricks and Treats from EPA Carbon Regulations

    In keeping with this season of ghosts and witchcraft, we are shedding some additional light on the menu of tricks and treats that are being handed out by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) through the carbon rules for existing electric power plants that the EPA finalized in August, and which
  • Blog
    October 8, 2015

    Senator Corker Questions Secretary Kerry over Paris Climate Deal

    In a September 22 letter to Secretary of State John Kerry, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker is demanding the Obama Administrations disclose its plans for the new climate change agreement that will be hashed out in Paris in December. The letter notes that under the Durban