By Date
  • Blog
    December 10, 2015

    Some Good News on the Pipeline Battle Front

    Yesterday in Minnesota a federal court rejected efforts by environmentalists who are fighting against pipeline companies and the importation of Canadian light and heavy crude oil, including oil sands crude. Emboldened by their victory against Keystone XL and their abuse of the Presidential permit
  • Blog
    December 9, 2015

    COP21 Update: Intellectual Property Rights

    First the good news: The latest draft text of the agreement does not include any references to intellectual property. Now the bad news: The issue is could still be alive. Language offered up in the technology development and transfer section of the text suggests “Addressing barriers in accessing to
  • Blog
    December 9, 2015

    Business to UNFCCC: We Have a Lot to Offer

    There are a lot of business interests here at the Paris COP, and a lot of different views on a whole range of matters, but one area where the business community has found unanimity is the need to establish an more formal relationship between the business community writ large and the UN Framework
  • Blog
    December 9, 2015

    New Draft Agreement Text: The End of the Beginning or Beginning of the End?

    After a great deal of anticipation, new draft agreement text was issued earlier today, which includes text for a draft agreement and decision. While the text is, at 29 pages, more streamlined than earlier iterations, that doesn’t mean a lot of issues have been resolved. Quite the contrary. Although
  • Blog
    December 8, 2015

    COP21 Update: Chamber Warns of Efforts to Weaken Intellectual Property Rights

    The high-level talks kicked off on Monday, with the negotiators getting down to the business of tackling the many contentious issues that remain. French Foreign Minister Laurant Fabius created the “Paris Committee,” which meets each evening to report on progress. As I mentioned yesterday, four
  • Blog
    December 7, 2015

    Coal Comfort for the World's Poor

    The International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates that 1.3 billion people—nearly one-fifth of the global population—do not have access to electricity. For the poor to be able capture the benefits of greater energy use and escape the cycle of poverty, energy resources and technologies must be “scalable
  • Blog
    December 7, 2015

    Half Time at COP21

    With the conclusion of the first week of the UN climate change talks in Paris, known as COP-21, it’s fair to say the 196 Parties made one step forward, and one step back towards a new accord. Here’s the state of play as the second week gets underway. The meeting started on something of a high note
  • Blog
    December 4, 2015

    Harbert: "President Obama has the American people left out of this deal"

    While global leaders descended upon Paris to convene COP21, our President & CEO Karen Harbert sat down with Fox Business’ Maria Bartiromo on Monday to discuss Obama’s climate plans and what it means for the American business community: Maria: What are you expecting to come out of this summit? Karen