By Date
  • Blog
    May 23, 2016

    A Troubling New Standard for Export Projects

    To say that the state of Washington has a trade-based economy would be a gross understatement. It is the most trade dependent state in the nation, with one in three jobs tied to trade either directly or indirectly. Washington exports more than $90 billion worth of products annually—everything from
  • Blog
    May 20, 2016

    Shocking! Electricity Bills Will Rise Under EPA’s Clean Power Plan

    You’ve got to hand it to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). They are nothing if persistent. When EPA proposed it Clean Power Plan (CPP) back in June 2014, its Regulatory Impact Analysis boasted that while the price consumers pay for electricity may increase under CPP, their electricity bills
  • Blog
    May 19, 2016

    The Coal Hard Facts about EPA Regulation

    Ever notice that when bad things happen to industries regulated by EPA, it’s always somebody else’s fault? Last April, when asked about the impact of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulation on the coal industry, EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy responded: I can't find one single bit of
  • Blog
    May 18, 2016

    Future Global Energy Demand: Up, Up, and Away!

    The Energy Information Administration (EIA) recently released it latest International Energy Outlook (IEO), its forecast of global trends in energy supply and demand from 2012 out to 2040. As an old Danish expression goes, it’s awfully hard to make an accurate prediction, especially about the future
  • Blog
    May 6, 2016

    Conflicting Coal Plant Autopsies

    With presumptive presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump both in West Virginia this week ahead of the state’s upcoming primary, the issue of coal has emerged as a major media storyline. This focus began as a result of Secretary Clinton’s two-day damage control tour through West
  • Blog
    May 4, 2016

    Chasing “Ra”

    What is the fastest growing source of renewable energy in America? Is it all those windmills dotting the plains? Is it the new geothermal resources harnessing the Earth’s heat from deep below our feet? Or is it the wealth of hydroelectric power that provides a dispatch-able, dependable, resource for
  • Blog
    May 4, 2016

    The Right Leadership Can Make America an Energy Superpower

    Our nation’s next president must be ready to lead on Day One, so the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is reaching out to "45" to share our policy vision. We are highlighting the issues that are most important to the employers, executives and entrepreneurs that create opportunities across the nation. One of