By Date
  • Blog
    November 16, 2016

    How to Spot and Avoid Utility Scammers

    Did you know that small businesses and consumers across the country are falling victim to a group of criminals that are impersonating utility representatives? That’s why the Energy Institute is supporting Utilities United Against Scams (UUAS) - a coalition of utility companies and trade associations
  • Blog
    November 7, 2016

    Where the ABCs of Private Solar Impact Your Power Bill

    Should you care about net metering? Whether you are interested in solar energy or not, the answer is YES. Over the past couple of months, we have explained the concept of “net metering” through visuals that demonstrate that while everyone connected to the power grid benefits from it, outdated
  • Blog
    November 3, 2016

    The Transformers

    ​We’ve been telling readers for some time how the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) now argues that its once “transformative” Clean Power Plan (CPP)—upon greater reflection and a weak legal justification—really isn’t that “transformative” after all.
  • Blog
    October 21, 2016

    WHAT IF…The U.S. Was Forced to Pay EU Energy Prices?

    Europe has so many historical and cultural wonders that even the reddest of red-blooded Americans can find something European to be envious of. After all, it was Europeans who gave us Led Zeppelin, pizza, and beer and personally, I think it’s high time we consider adopting the siesta as a national
  • Blog
    September 22, 2016

    WHAT IF…..America’s Energy Renaissance Never Actually Happened?

    Sitting here in late September 2016, it’s pretty difficult to imagine what the U.S. would look like if the staggering energy renaissance of the last decade had never occurred. It’s almost like trying to imagine what if Donald Trump had stuck to real estate or if Lebron never returned to Cleveland
  • Blog
    September 16, 2016

    Business and Labor Agree: We Need to Build Pipelines; Enough is Enough

    Increasingly, business and labor interests are aligned against the Obama Administration's war on energy development. The latest example is the Dakota Access Pipeline. AFL-CIO President Richard Trumpka has essentially said that enough is enough, expressing frustration with environmental activists and
  • Blog
    August 25, 2016

    WHAT IF…Energy Production Was Banned On Federal Lands & Waters?

    It’s an interesting question. That we’re even entertaining it, however, shows you how far off the rails candidates from Secretary Clinton, to interest groups, to the Democratic Party Platform have gone in proposing to ban energy production on federal lands in one way, shape, or form. It’s easy to