By Date
  • Blog
    March 23, 2017

    Thanks to Shale Gas, Electricity Prices Moderate Across the Nation

    Each year, the Energy Institute issues an update of our annual retail electricity price map, based upon the year-end electricity price data released by the U.S. Energy Information Administration. The prices shown on our map best reflect what business, industry, and consumers must pay for a given
  • Blog
    March 1, 2017

    EIA’s Annual Energy Outlook 2017

    Well, it’s that time of year again when the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) gets out its crystal ball and peers into the future. Its latest Annual Energy Outlook 2017 (Early Release) provides a detailed look at where the agency thinks energy markets in the United States are headed out
  • Blog
    February 17, 2017

    New Study: Shale Revolution Helps U.S. Manufacturing

    For some time now, we’re been touting the competitive advantage affordable energy gives U.S. industry, especially energy-intensive manufacturing. With industries in American paying two to four times less for coal, electricity, and natural gas than industries in places like Europe, we’re beginning to
  • Blog
    February 10, 2017

    Read the Fine Print and Proceed with Caution

    Without question, solar is a beneficial and growing component of America’s secure and diverse energy future. In fact, miraculous advancements in technology have continued to reduce the costs of electricity generated from the sun, spurring a dramatic increase in solar installations. However, the
  • Blog
    January 26, 2017

    The Stream Protection Rule: A Regulatory Solution in Search of a Problem

    After the proverbial death and taxes, few things in life are as certain as the issuing of a flurry of often controversial midnight regulations by outgoing administrations of both parties. The Obama Administration was no exception, and in fact set a record, publishing 38 “major rules” (defined as