By Date
  • Blog
    June 3, 2017

    Setting the Record Straight on the NERA Report

    Summary Over the last few days, there has been a lot of attention given to a report that the Energy Institute co-sponsored that examined the costs of meeting the Obama Administration’s Paris pledge. The report by NERA Economic Consulting, Impacts of Greenhouse Gas Regulations on the Industrial
  • Blog
    May 31, 2017

    Mind the Gap: Last Time Around

    On May 2, 2017, we posted what we expected would be our final look at the Obama Administration’s Paris Agreement “gap”—the difference between President Obama’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction goal for 2025 and estimates of what the policies his administration put in place would deliver. We
  • Blog
    May 19, 2017

    Let’s Get FERC Back to Work

    Since February 3, 2017, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)--one of the essential pieces of our nation’s energy puzzle-- has been hobbled, and the time is now to get it back working again. On that day, Commissioner Norman Bay departed, leaving FERC unable to carry out many of its
  • Blog
    May 16, 2017

    Infrastructure Week: Spotlight on Energy Infrastructure!

    “Infrastructure Week” is a series of events this week put together by a coalition, including industry and labor, focused on raising awareness about the need to build better infrastructure for our country. At the U.S. Chamber, we are glad to be a part of the effort. We know that safe, reliable
  • Blog
    May 9, 2017

    WRI Also Swings . . . and Also Misses

    See Also: Setting the Record Straight on the NERA Report A few months ago, the Energy Institute partnered with the American Council for Capital Formation to work with NERA Economic Consulting on a report that explores several potential scenarios under which the United States could meet the Obama
  • Blog
    May 3, 2017

    Deconflicting the UNFCCC? Not on our watch.

    A group calling itself Corporate Accountability International is waging a campaign to evict observers like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce from the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. Their sin? Looking out for their members. CAI is out with a hit piece taking to task the Chamber, National
  • Blog
    April 21, 2017

    Clearing the Air on Cleaning the Air

    Have you heard the good news about the excellent state of U.S. air quality? Chances are, you haven’t. In fact, chances are more likely that you’ve heard something of the opposite—glum stories of smoggy skies and unhealthy air constantly under threat from industrial pollution and SUVs. Reality begs