By Date
  • Blog
    August 28, 2017

    Harvey’s Impact on Energy: Daily Update

    Friday—September 8 See below for the latest information on Harvey’s energy sector impact. Energy Capacity According to the Department of Energy, close to 1.4 million bpd of refining capacity is estimated to still be offline as a result of the storm. Outages According the Department of Energy and
  • Blog
    August 25, 2017

    An Important, if Unsurprising, Study on our Electricity Grid from DOE

    Earlier this year, the Secretary of Energy requested a report from the Department examining the nation’s electricity grid. After months of speculation, rampant rumors, leaked drafts, and grossly premature prognostications, the Department of Energy (DOE) this week released a report very much
  • Blog
    August 9, 2017

    Venezuela’s Problems Point to the Need for Pipelines from Canada

    Venezuela’s on-going political and economic crisis emphasizes the need for the United States to continue to diversify and grow its supplies of energy, particularly from our neighbor to the north – Canada. More pointedly, it highlights the importance of expanding and building more pipelines from
  • Blog
    August 4, 2017

    Will Activists Seek to Shut Off Your Air Conditioning this Summer?

    Lately, it seems that some environmental activists are against almost everything. Their latest cause? Trying to shut down air conditioning during Virginia’s muggy summer months. Fortunately, cooler heads have prevailed … thus far. Dominion Energy’s Yorktown Power Station is slated to be retired, in
  • Blog
    July 24, 2017

    Not A Guarantee, But a Fighting Chance

    Here at the Global Energy Institute, we have always advocated for a diverse, reliable mix of energy resources that contribute toward keeping America secure, prosperous, and clean. A key cornerstone of that energy mix is our fleet of 99 commercial nuclear reactors that provide approximately twenty
  • Blog
    July 6, 2017

    A Much Needed Attitude Adjustment at the Department of Interior

    Just a few weeks ago, Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke visited the Chamber to help us celebrate our 10th Anniversary and our new name—the Global Energy Institute. Secretary Zinke promised that the Department of Interior would be taking real actions to support American energy development, and
  • Blog
    June 30, 2017

    Whitewashing the Impact of Regulations on Coal

    The War on Coal is well and truly over, but a peculiar debate over its impact lingers on. Revisionist history is central to this debate, with some folks now suggesting that the coal industry was never in a two-front struggle against both a regulatory onslaught and cheap natural gas. Instead, they
  • Blog
    June 16, 2017

    New BP Statistical Review Highlights an Energy World in Transition

    This week, BP released the 66th edition of its Statistical Review of World Energy, a comprehensive and highly regarded analysis of key energy trends around the globe. While most reading this page are familiar with the major storylines in U.S. and global energy markets, BP’s report crystallizes these