Chamber Launches Web site on Energy and Environment

Press Release
April 20, 2007
Highlights Progress by Businesses on Earth Day WASHINGTON, DC-Leading up to Earth Day, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce highlighted the significant role business has played in cleaning the nation's environment, stressing that a strong economy is critical to environmental protection, and launched a Web site to help educate businesses and the general public about ways to help protect the environment. "Economic growth and environmental progress are not incompatible pursuits," said William Kovacs, Chamber vice president of environmental policy. "A strong economy gives us the resources to protect our environment." The air and water are cleaner today than on any previous Earth Day, due to technological innovations and tremendous gains in efficiency achieved by business, the Chamber noted.  With the right regulatory, legislative, and economic policies in place, business can continue to create the capital and technology needed for better environmental protection. "Business will reduce its rate of carbon dioxide emissions by approximately 36 percent per unit of GDP with expected technological and efficiency improvements, in the next 20 years," Kovacs added.  The Chamber's new Web site is designed to raise conservation consciousness and show the contributions that the business community has made in protecting the environment.  The Web site contains conservation tips for the road and home; environmental success stories from member businesses; and stresses that conservation is an important part of a comprehensive National Energy Policy which is vital for economic and national security. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is the world's largest business federation representing more than 3 million businesses and organizations of every size, sector, and region. The Chamber's Earth Day Web site can be viewed at: