BizMEF Convenes in Bonn, Germany

June 16, 2011

BizMEF participants from Europe, the United States, and Japan met in June in Bonn, Germany on the margins of the international climate change negotiations to make plans ahead of the climate talks in December in Durban, South Africa. The 16 June planning meeting was ably hosted and chaired by the Federation of German Industries (BDI) and held at the German Pulp & Paper Association (Verband Deutscher Papierfabriken e.V.). The meeting was an opportunity to exchange views on the international talks and areas of particular interest to the business community. Topics for discussion included enhanced engagement of business organizations and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, adaptation, the Green Climate Fund agreed to in Cancún, Mexico, the technology mechanism, offset opportunities, and trade and competitiveness. As the Durban meeting draws closer, BizMEF will be releasing position papers on many of these topics, so please check back to the web site periodically for updates.