$100 a Barrel and No Energy Policy

Press Release
January 3, 2008
WASHINGTON, D.C. — The benchmark of $100 crude oil is daunting, but it could be on the small end of a new price curve unless the United States and other countries get serious about a comprehensive energy policy, according to General James L. Jones, President and CEO of the Institute for 21st Century Energy. 
“High energy prices will become the norm without a comprehensive and common-sense energy policy,” Jones said. “Leaders in the United States and elsewhere must work together to ensure that global energy supplies are affordable, diverse, and secure.”
There has been surprisingly little change to people’s behavior as they have adjusted to the $3 price of gasoline. “It will be a different story if they’re looking at $4 or $5 per gallon.  Higher energy prices will affect every household, and will place a major strain on the nation’s economy,” Jones said.
“This is the time for making tough decisions to address the energy challenges that face us. These decisions must be comprehensive, strategic and include the entire energy producing community,” Jones said.
ABOUT THE INSTITUTE: The mission of the Institute for 21st Century Energy is to unify energy stakeholders and policymakers behind a common strategy to ensure that America’s supply of fuels and power is adequate, diverse and affordable while protecting national security and improving the environment. The Institute also conducts international outreach to address global energy challenges.
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